Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mommy Fatique

I have just about had it with kids today. I am so worn out, I feel like I can't process thoughts. Daniel is killing me; slowly, painfully. He is just so stinking bad these days! He is into everything! He will not be diverted, redirected, distracted. He is just way to freaking curious and stubborn. I honestly think he is 3 children rolled into one. He has the communication skills of a one year old and he lives in a 4 year old's body. There is no "off-limits" in our house. He is big enough and strong enough to get into everything. And smart! He is really too much for one person to handle.
Some days, I dream of going to work. The luxury! I would get to ride alone in the car and listen to any music I want, as LOUD as I want! I could go to the bathroom ALONE! I could take a LUNCH BREAK!!!! I could actually talk to grown-ups, not just email and MB... talk, you know, with my voice. Not my sugar-bugger, sweetie-pie Mommy voice either. Rapture!
But I know this is what's best and home is where I belong. I am so grateful to be able to stay home with my boys. The time passes too fast and soon, I will wish for these days back. But today, I wish for a nap! And a doughnut...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Domestic Diva?

Some days, I feel like a truck stuck in the mud. My wheels are spinning, I'm full-on giving it the gas! Pedal to the metal, full throttle! And not getting a-n-y-w-h-e-r-e. Exhausted and out of fuel, I've made it nowhere.
Wayne is on 4 tens for the summer. Great in theory... But now, I'm thinking I'd rather have him home an extra two hours each day. By 4:45 every day, I am standing at the door wishing he would get home. I just need the help! An extra toddler-wrangler is what keeps me going! He can watch Daniel in the yard, push Lo on the swing, let me start supper, check emails, clean, rest, bathe. Now, I will have to attempt to have dinner ready when he comes in.
Dinner; pork chops on the grill, grilled veggies (squash and zucchini!) Lima beans and salad. Salad is chopped, all but the lettuce, beans are done and chops are hangin' in some raspberry walnut vinegrette.
The stupid scale isn't working, so I wasn't able to start my weight loss plan with the humbling and humiliatling expereince of stepping on the scale this morning. I have eaten well today. I am hungry and craving something, not sure what...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Nice to meet you!

I haven't been blogging for a while and feel a bit lonely without it. It took weeks just to get this far! But now I am set up and ready to go!
About me, for those who don't know me very well. I'm Amy. I am a stay at home Mom to two amazing little boys. Daniel is 2 1/2 and Logan is 7 months. I have been married to my high-school sweetheart, Wayne, for almost 7 years. I live in the house my Dad grew up in, next door to the house I grew up in. Even though I was raised here, I rarely feel that I fit. South Louisiana is soooo not me!
I am a breastfeeding activist and a volunteer breastfeeding counselor. I love crafts, sewing, scrapbooking and gardening. My boys are my life! They are a huge handful most days but it is always worth it!
I look forward to sharing my thoughts again! Wayne and I are beginning a weight-loss plan tomorrow and I want to use this as a tool for motivation; a way to share and get feedback and encouragement! I am still carrying around some baby-weight. I have no idea what I weigh; I tossed the scale years ago! But we got a new one today. Not looking forward to facing that in the am.